ABOUT The Manors

Claire Manor, the older sister, is the visionary behind the project. After earning a BFA in Art and Design at the University of Michigan, she went on to work in New York City as a private and celebrity stylist. With an innate sense of style and an eye for detail, she embarked on a mission to demystify the world of fashion, making it accessible to everyone. Her creative flair and deep understanding of design trends have become the driving force behind "Manor Of.” From the latest runway looks to timeless classics, Claire's intimate knowledge of the fashion industry and the daily life of midwesterners curates a diverse range of styles to cater to every taste and occasion.

Ryan Manor, the younger sister, is the creative genius behind the operation. Armed with a degree in Advertising from the University of South Carolina and a passion for sustainable shopping, she helped bring Claire’s vision to life in both the physical world and on social media. Ryan’s expertise in creative direction and online marketing has turned "Manor Of" into an imaginative oasis where fashion enthusiasts can explore, learn, and transform their wardrobes with ease.

“Growing up in Michigan, we realized how much research and learning it takes to be as stylish as those living in LA and New York. We always felt one step behind no matter how many fashion articles we read and runway shows we watch. It was just too much to try to keep up. That is what inspired us to create ‘Manor Of’. To help those like us showcase their individuality as well as learn how to use Fashion as a tool to stand out and succeed in any atmosphere.”